Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, friends!  I hope y’all had an awesome holiday with family and friends.  I know I’m late with this post but I brought in the New Year with vomit and diarrhea (sorry for being gross).  My poor family were sick as dogs and I barely got any sleep because I was paranoid that the radicals would choke on their own vomit (sorry again).  Anyway, it’s the weirdest thing because they got better but now it’s back to the same thing.  To the doc we go…

But first I just want to say that 2011 was a great year for my little family and me.  Here’s a little rundown on some of the things that happened:

` I survived 2011 Merrie Monarch week!  Can I get a woo-hoo?!
` Radical #1 turned 3 and radical #2 turned 2 (yikes!)
` The mister and I celebrated 7 years together
` We took our first family trip (even if it was only to kona)
` The doors of communication has been opened (this is huge)
` Radical #1 lost his front tooth
` Radical #1 landed in the ER
` We re-did our kitchen (another huge one)
` We survived financially
` I started a blog
` I did my very first blogger swap
` I went back to school
` I’ve found myself and I’m continuing to grow
` Radical #1 was finally potty-trained
` I made my very first holiday meal/turkey for Christmas

Although no big things happened in 2011 I’m still thankful and blessed that we’ve grown (together and individually) and we’ll continue to grow and make new memories. 

I’m not too big on ‘resolutions’; I think the word is so intimidating.  Instead of ‘resolutions’ I’ll just call them goals.  Some of my goals for 2012…

` Patience.  I seriously need to have more patience.  I bother myself that I get “bent out of shape” over things (small and big).

` Get out there and make some friends.  I have friends.  We just don’t live in the same town.  I’ve lived here for 7 years now and I still haven’t made friends.  Okay wait, I’ve made friends with the mister’s friend’s girlfriends but it’s not like we talk to each other or hang out.  To be honest, I’m a bit intimidated by the people here but this year I’m going to get out of my comfort zone.

` Do more with the radicals.  Get them out, take them on adventures, read more, do more projects and activities.  Right now I do just enough and I feel like a terrible mom but this year that’ll change.

` Time management.  I’m horrible with time management.  Horrible.  It’s like I’m living in a fantasy land that has 48 hour days when in reality it’s only 24.  Yes, I get that.  With being a SAHM, school, and work this goal is a must.  This should have been at the top of the list…

` Let it go!  I’m a control freak and when things don’t go my way or happen the way I planned, I get “bent out of shape”.  I guess this and patience go hand in hand?  I also need to remember that it’s okay to let the laundry and dishes go sometimes.

That’s about it.  Not too big of a list and I think it’s do-able.  I can’t wait to see what 2012 has in store for us!  Wishing everyone a year full of love and happiness!

Peace out!

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